TV Special

Please watch the TV Special: 

"Marijuana & Adolescents"

with Dr. Lynn  Fox and Mark Dale 

Sunday JULY 6@ 5:00 pm (PST)

 or click here to view YouTube videos 

Part 1


Part 2

"Marijuana and Adolescents" TV SPECIAL with Dr. Lynn Fox & Mark Dale

Live Broadcast July 6 or View on YouTube 24/7

Marijuana abuse & addiction among youth has skyrocketed due to availability & a dramatic increase in potency of THC (TetraHydroCannabinol) levels. *Young people who are still developing are especially vulnerable, as marijuana affects their physical, intellectual, social, moral & psychological development. Average start of use is 12.4 years that can lead to *6-8 IQ point loss, *1 out of 6 heavy-using teens becoming addicted,* increased traffic fatalities, and vulnerability to *depression, psychosis, schizophrenia & other major health issues and even suicide. We must prevent this from happening to our children.

* The very dangerousextremely elevated THC level of Pot today (20% to 95% in concentrates) is not the  Pot of the 1970s-1990s that had much lower THC levels (1-2%). This is vital information for all parents, grandparents and teachers. 

C. Lynn Fox, Ph. D. is a national expert in the areas of drug awareness & prevention, adolescent development, classroom management, self-esteem enhancement, and Special Education. She has trained over 200,000 K-12 teachers & others in the past 30 years, and has been a professor of Education at both San Francisco State and San Diego State Universities

.  Dr. Fox has authored & coauthored 11 books, including a TEXTBOOK with Dr. Shirley Forbing for HarperCollins entitled: 

Creating Drug Free Schools and Communities: A Comprehensive Approach. 

Ways to see “Marijuana and Adolescents: Interview with Dr. Lynn Fox” 


 Watch TV SPECIAL on the air

Marin County, CA

Sunday    7/6/2016  @ 5:00pm  (PST)) Channel 26 (Comcast) or 99 (AT&T)

Pacific Coast

 (Pacifica, Half Moon Bay, etc.)

Tuesday   7/5/16 @ 7:00 am (PST)Channels 26 & 27 (Coastside)

2. Live Stream (view in CA and Nationwide at above times)


 3. YouTube (view anytime, 24/7): click here:

Part 1: Introduction to the Problems:

Part 2: Solutions for Teachers, Parents & Others

Dr. Lynn Fox has been a keynote speaker at numerous state and national conferences, and is available for media interviews, trainings and more information at:


Other Resources for Parents, Grandparents, Teachers & Others:

Parents Opposed to Pot:

Roger Morgan:


CALM California:

PO Box 2995 Carmichael CA 95608

619-990-7480Scott Chipman: